Sunday, August 28, 2011

New stuff! Yay!

Most importantly, a new camera! My old one was broken, and the really old one we had wasn't reading the SD card. So that was sad. Just a miniature, show-offy post here for now. First thing to show off; my vest and tie! They are for a Moist von Lipwig cosplay. Be warned, I am terribly unphotogenic. Especially when they're the first, experimental photos with a new camera, and I'm self-taking them, at night, being blinded by necessary flash D:

As said, these are for a Moist von Lipwig cosplay. Alternatively, they're part of an outfit for hypothetical formal occasions.

Quick, run from the blurriness! I'll buy you some time!
 Nevermind, killed it.

As you can see, I attend only the most awesome of hypothetical formal situations. Also hypothetical semi-formal situations.

You can tell it is less formal by the smaller sword and lack of tie.
Also unbuttoned vest.
This is how Growlithes work.

Anyway, that's enough of my mug for now. Ta-tah, folks!

1 comment:

  1. "You can tell it is less formal by the smaller sword and lack of tie".
    You, sir, ROCK! I demand you resume blogging INSTANTLY.
